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Romania ranked first in the EU in the area cultivated with sunflowers and grain corn. And in terms of production, it ranks second in sunflower and third in grain corn, according to the data of the National Institute of Statistics (INS), writes economic news

. Last year, the area cultivated with sunflowers was 1.089 million hectares, and that of grain corn with 2.37 million hectares. Sunflower production amounted to 2.1 million tons, and grain corn production was 8.52 million tons.

Romania, compared to some member states of the European Union in the year 2023
For grain corn , Romania ranked first in cultivated area and third in terms of production, after France and Poland. In sunflower, Romania ranked first in terms of cultivated area and second in terms of production, after France. In terms of wheat , Romania ranked fourth both in cultivated area and in terms of production, after France, Germany and Poland. Regarding potatoes , Romania ranked sixth in cultivated area after Germany, Poland, France, Holland, Belgium and ninth in production after Germany, France, Holland, Poland, Belgium, Denmark, Spain and Italy. In the year 2023, Romania recorded an increase in areas and yields (average production per hectare) for the main crops. Cereals for grains. The area cultivated with grains for grains increased by 1.0% and production by 9.1%, mainly due to the increase in yields per hectare. The area cultivated with grain corn in 2023 represents 45.3% of the area cultivated with grains for grains, and that cultivated with wheat 42.2%. Cereal production increased mainly due to the 11% increase in wheat production, which has a share of 46.8% in cereal production. Legumes for grains. Production increased by 37.8% compared to the previous year, as a result of the increase in cultivated area and yield per hectare. Oil crops. Production increased by 15%, and the cultivated area by 9.3%. Production increases were recorded in rapeseed (+45.3%), soybeans (+23%) and decreases in sunflower (-3.7%).

Source: AgroMedia.md

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